Sunday, February 13, 2011

Akward Moment

Seriously what do you say when you ex actually has the nerve to bring you a v-day treat and hand it to you right in front of your date? I am seriously ready to change my address. Why is it that once you are divorced you still seem to be the property of ur ex. Why is it that they all the sudden have an interest in building a relationship with my children... Uh 11 years late buddy....RRRRR......sooooo ooovvveeerrrr iitt.

I also think I should change my number....really why does he have to send me guilt trip text messages while I am receiving benefits,  busy duh!!!!
I'm lucky my date/boyfriend/friend with benefits/....I don't know what to call him is still talking to me after seeing the chaos that surrounds me. Maybe he is a keeper.

Fun Friday

Us girls called in sick Friday to go and play in Salt Lake. Of course the entertainment for the day was our mother. On several occasions we just about wet our pants.
She is seriously losing it. I am deeply concerned, lol. Could it be that she carries on a conversation with a stranger on the phone and then we hear "your not my husband", could it be that she wasn't sure if the lane merged because the lines disappeared, could it be because she asks if there is a reason people are going around her,??? I believe it is time for her license to be revoked.
She is lucky however that her crazy driving did not hurt our delicious cupcakes from the sweet toothfairy..mmm
Regardless of her crazy driving, we love her dearly. Couldn't imagine life without her.. After all who would we make fun of? (jk) Even though I claim to be adopted, it is getting harder and harder to convince people when they see my post it notes among other things I get from her.
We had a fun day. It is always an adventure when we are on the road. I loved spending the time with my sister, mom, and aunt Sandi. We should be sick at least once a month. Even if I am held captive until 10pm.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Teenage Boys

Yes, I am an official failure at parenting. After punching several holes in our walls, I had to call in grandma and grandpa to take my boy home with them. How can you make a teenage boy understand that choices he makes now effect his future? How do you make a teenage boy feel empathy? How do you make a teenage boy respect others? How do you make a teenage boy want to succeed?
I have tried everything. His therapist even gave up on him. I am his mom and I will never give up on him. He is so much like his father it scares me to death,. I wish I could find a way to get through to him. He has so much potential. I hate to see him wind up in prision too.
So consider this a warning, if you need parenting advice, I'm definetely not your go to gal!