Saturday, September 25, 2010


I have this parent who won't come in and talk to me. She goes right to the pricipals office and complains about stories her daughter comes home with. If one of my students were to come home and tell me these stories, I would have a difficult time believing them. I couldn't figure out why this mom was so against me. But this week after school while on bus duty I learned why.
Her daughter has been going to an afterschool daycare run by a nightmare mother from last year. Great! She is still a nightmare and her son is no longer in my class. She is brainwashing other parents.

This nightmare mother made my year a living hell last year. She is one of those moms who doesn't think her son should have consequences. She believes it is ok for him to run around, disrupt instruction, bother and tease other students, etc.. Luckily she is on my sister's team (inside joke).

This mom, who had never even met me, came in the week before school started (last year) and wanted him moved. She heard that I was "strict". Of course I had to laugh because everyone knows that I am the worlds biggest marshmellow. Anyway, the principal denied her request. You see there is a note sent home each Spring that lets parents know that if they have a request it needs to be turned in by the end of the school year.
Of course this mom believes that she is the exception to every rule. Seeming how she didn't get her way, she nit picked at everything. Her son was one of the most challenging students I have had. She can't even control him. I really hope she figures something out before he is a teenager or she is in real trouble!

Regardless, I hate how parents gossip about teachers, word spreads like wildfire. I also hate how some parents mistake structure and consistency with being strict or mean. Their child is not going to learn if they are not in control of their body. Nor are the students around them.

I find it amazing that when one child is removed from the room, it is like night and day.
It seems like every year the kids get harder and harder. There seems to be less and less follow through and parental support.
It is also sooooo hard to compete with the WII.

So thank you to the parents who support their students' teacher, give the teacher the benefit of the doubt (especially when their child comes home with crazy lies), follow through at home, and actually have structure at home (so that their child isn't in shock when they come to First Grade)!!!!


So yesterday two of my students decided to have a pee fight in the restroom, yes a pee fight!
Is that not disgusting as ever! Of course their moms had to come and pick them up. Who ever heard of a first grader getting suspended for a day.

I really feel for the custodians that clean that restroom. I personally think the two boys should of had to come back after school with gloves and a scrub brush. YUCK!

To marry or not to marry.

How do those of you who have been married forever make it work? After 9 years I asked my spouse to sign divorce papers. He said "I am not interested in getting a divorce" and won't sign the papers.
How many chances do you think one man needs? If you've been unhappy for over half of your time together isn't it fair to cut the ties?

For those that I hear are getting married, my first instinct is to tell them not to do it. It seems like that piece of paper changes a mans behavior totally. I think that they stop trying once they sign the certificate. It's like they get the attitude that they got the girl so stop the acting and be yourself since she is stuck with you.

My grandparents were married over 50 years. All they did is argue. I don't think it is worth staying with someone if you don't make each other happy. I don't want to be like that.

The Texting Douche

What kind of a douche hitches a ride to my daughters game so he doesn't waste his gas (nor does he know how to get anywhere) and then texts the whole game with a smirk each time he reads one.
Oh, yeah!  MY EX. Is the paperwork final yet?
Why do men think us women are so stupid. I mean seriously 1200 minutes in 1 month to "a friend"? Whatever. At least I cancelled his phone and he had to get his own plan. Hope he loves the overcharges he racks up. Man I have got to get the "shit magnet" tatoo off my forehead ASAP.


Where do teenagers brains go on vacation to. I really need to go and pick my sons up. Whatever happened to good old toilet papering. Teenagers now days do the stupidest things without realizing the long term effects of their actions.
I have tried to talk to him, however he is already in "the club". I can't join this club seeming how I don't have the correct anatomy. Of course nothing I say is right since I don't have a penis.
I didn't think males read the manuel so young. I thought they read it right after they got married. It appears that even males as young as 10 can be in the club. Shocking!